Problem Gambling Resources
Xpressbet and 1/ST Technology emphasize awareness, education and support of responsible wagering behavior for our customers and employees. We are committed to helping prevent problems that can arise from gambling.
“Most people who gamble do so with no harmful effects. They set limits and stick to them. However, for a small percentage of the population, gambling can become more than a game, and lead to serious consequences for both the gambler and their family.”1
Symptoms of problem gambling “include increasing preoccupation with gambling, a need to bet more money more frequently, restlessness or irritability when attempting to stop, ‘chasing’ losses, and loss of control manifested by continuation of the gambling behavior in spite of mounting, serious, negative consequences. In extreme cases, problem gambling can result in financial ruin, legal problems, loss of career and family, or even suicide.”2
Below are some indicators / warning signs that you may have a gambling problem:3
- Do you gamble to escape worry or trouble?
- Do you gamble to get money to solve financial difficulties?
- Are you unable to stop playing regardless of winning or losing?
- Do you gamble until your last dollar is gone?
- Are you losing time from work due to gambling?
- Are you borrowing money to pay gambling debts?
- Do you neglect your family because of gambling?
- Do you lie about the time and/or money you spend gambling?
If you or someone you know answered “yes” to any of the above questions or are otherwise concerned that you may have a gambling problem, we encourage you to take the ten-question self-assessment provided by the National Council on Problem Gambling at or call the National Council for Problem Gambling at 1.800.522.4700.
Xpressbet and 1/ST Technology help you manage your gambling responsibly by offering tools to support responsible practices:
- Customers may add weekly (rolling 7 days) funding limits to their account, so long as they do not exceed our current funding limits and policies.
- Customers may block or limit the use of their Xpressfund (Checking or Savings Account) or Credit/Debit Card account(s) from funding their wagering accounts.
To request a change to your funding limits or methods, please contact us via email (, phone (1.866.889.7737) or Live Chat.
Customers may block all access to their wagering accounts permanently by contacting us via email (, phone (1.866.889.7737) or Live Chat.
PLEASE NOTE: Once a block of this nature is placed in connection with a potential gambling problem, it cannot be removed.
Please play responsibly. Scan the QR code to talk with someone now about your gambling. For help with a gambling problem, call 1-877-8HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369). Standard text rates may apply.

1Nevada Council on Problem Gambling website at (last accessed November 1, 2020).
2National Council on Problem Gambling website at (last accessed November 1, 2020).
3Adapted from the website of the Nevada Council on Problem Gambling at (last accessed November 1, 2020).